This is Bespezie
Founded by Melanie Marino MNutrDiet APD AN
Bespezie founder and dietitian Melanie Marino had a dream that started small in her home state of Tasmania and grew as she expanded her nutrition knowledge interstate and overseas. Sitting at a presentation on herbs and spices at St Thomas’ Hospital in London Melanie realised how under utilised and misunderstood these super sprinklers are.
Spices and herbs are a perfect combination of nutrients and flavour. The benefits of herbs and spices are drenched in scientific studies and yet their use is often restricted to a couple of common spices uses sporadically in monotonous meals. Take away and processed food are reducing the quality of everyone's diet and Melanie knew herbs and spices are the perfect way to compensate for this.
She commenced her mission to improve people’s health through the consumption of a greater variety of spices and herbs. She wanted to create a product that meant more herbs and spices could be understood for their health benefits; used easily every day, retain their nutrients and taste delicious.
Melanie studied and tasted hundreds of herbs and spices to produce her nutritious Bespezie blends. These blends have layers of flavour and science behind them. Bespezie is produced in a mill so that the herbs and spices remain whole for as long as possible before being broken down. This unique presentation allows more nutrients to be retained to benefit you. This is not a powder or synthetic supplement. Bespezie is pure plants.
Melanie has a passion for food and drink that is beautiful, pleasurable, and easy for people to consume. Bespezie is designed to taste and look fabulous in your kitchen and on your food. Bespezie is destined for your top shelf not muddled in your bottom drawer of supermarket spices.
A master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics and 20 years’ experience means Bespezie is created by a true expert in nutrition. Bespezie blends contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will boost your everyday health and may help prevent almost every long-term disease.
Bespezie is organic, natural and made in Australia. It is carefully put together by a nutrition health professional who cares about you and your health. Melanie wants you to change your view of herbs and spices and how they can be used to help you feel better and live longer.